Time to get excited!
You’ve completed your Nomination and we’re ready to help you get a NillyNoggin EEG Cap for someone special!
Next Step!
- Watch your inbox for a welcome email from [email protected].
- Be aware that emails from new email addresses sometimes go to junk or spam folders.
- So be sure to add [email protected] to your address book and also check your spam folder! Doing so will help ensure you receive any emails we send you for your nomination!
In your welcome email email you’ll receive the link to your very own fundraising webpage for your someone special!
Share the Link!
Share the link with your family and friends to raise the funds for your NillyNoggin EEG Cap! As soon as your funds are raised your cap will be shipped!
Post your link on Facebook or on your Instagram account! Send it in an email or via text message! There are lots of ways to connect family and friends to help you reach your goal.
Best of All – You’ve Joined the Warrior Troop!
The funds you raise will help your special someone AND any extra funds raised will help others get their own NillyNoggin EEG Cap too! Together all our amazing warriors can make a difference for those with epilepsy!
Check out the F.A.Q. page!