Short Story

I am on the Waiting List for my NillyNoggin EEG Cap. It will help me during my EEG testing! Please help me reach my goal.

I am so excited to receive my NillyNoggin!

And an added bonus,

if I go above and beyond my goal, we will help other Warriors battling epilepsy! How?

Once I reach my goal of $50, every $50 over that will support other Warriors wishing for a NillyNoggin!

I would really like to help others battling neurological conditions. I know what its like to fight every day and having something to help us get through stressful testing with a smile and help us feel like a rockstar is priceless.

Let’s work together and help sponsor NillyNoggin EEG Caps for more warriors battling epilepsy!

My medical condition requires me to get EEG tests that are very medically sterile looking and often scary.

Sometimes an EEG is worn for days, in public, and people often stare. The NillyNoggin covers up this scary medical look. It puts a positive, happy twist on the EEG procedure that some of us have to get a lot.

The NillyNoggin cap is comfortable and colorful! Lots of people will come up to talk with me ’cause it’s so cool! It will also give me confidence and comfort! This cap will help ease my anxiety and make life easier on everyone involved with my care.

Deagan was your normal active toddler doing little boy things then when he was 3 years old he went from an active little boy getting into mischief to a crying whining always in pain laying on the couch sleeping barely eating sick kiddo after numerous doctor’s appointments and the usual “oh it’s just a virus he will get over it” we finally had a doctor listen to us and at the age of 4 our son was diagnosed with Late stage Lyme Disease. Unfortunately he went so long (months) without being diagnosed he missed his window of opportunity to intervene also we found out that he is allergic to the primary medication doxycycline. He was put on broadband antibiotics which just made him more sick and more lethargic. Then at the age of 7 he had his first grandmal (tonic clonic) seizure. Since then he has had a variety of seizures noted tonic clonic, absent, focal, cluster. With Lyme disease it slowly attacks every organ and system of the body. My son is now 15 years old and Lyme have effected his whole system from arthritis to cardiac to neurological psychological we have been struggling with this for 11 years now my son has overcame and does not allow this to keep him down he is an avid fisherman and loves to go out into nature.

Deagan B.

by Heather Shuker

  • $50

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  • $50

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Heather Shuker

344 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Name Donate Amount Date
Katherine Stevenson $50 December 07, 2023