Short Story

I am on the Waiting List for my NillyNoggin EEG Cap. It will help me during my EEG testing! Please help me reach my goal.

I am so excited to receive my NillyNoggin!

And an added bonus,

if I go above and beyond my goal, we will help other Warriors battling epilepsy! How?

Once I reach my goal of $50, every $50 over that will support other Warriors wishing for a NillyNoggin!

I would really like to help others battling neurological conditions. I know what its like to fight every day and having something to help us get through stressful testing with a smile and help us feel like a rockstar is priceless.

Let’s work together and help sponsor NillyNoggin EEG Caps for more warriors battling epilepsy!

My medical condition requires me to get EEG tests that are very medically sterile looking and often scary.

Sometimes an EEG is worn for days, in public, and people often stare. The NillyNoggin covers up this scary medical look. It puts a positive, happy twist on the EEG procedure that some of us have to get a lot.

The NillyNoggin cap is comfortable and colorful! Lots of people will come up to talk with me ’cause it’s so cool! It will also give me confidence and comfort! This cap will help ease my anxiety and make life easier on everyone involved with my care.

Our warrior Chase is the most amazing and special little boy. At 6 months of age he began having rare and dangerous seizures called infantile spasms. which proved devastating to cognition and development. A brain MRI confirmed the diagnoses of Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, a rare, neuro-devolopmental disorder which can cause problems with multiple organ systems, seizures, developmental delay and Autism. Over the last 6 years, Chase has endured numerous medical tests and procedures,, and also received 2 more rare medical diagnoses- Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia, a rare lung condition, and Tracheomalacia, a trachea defect. He is such a trooper, and handles all of these procedures and visits as well as possible. Chase has an upcoming EEG, and has sensory challenges when it comes to all of the gauze and tape that are used to wrap the electrodes. I feel that one of these caps will make the experience much less stressful for him. Thank you for considering Chase for this awesome product!

Chase M.

by Heather Shuker

  • $40

    Funding Goal
  • $40

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

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Heather Shuker

344 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Name Donate Amount Date
Anonymous $40 July 16, 2022